ICO Analysis: Top Marks for DeepBrain Chain


The market for artificial intelligence (AI) computing is predicted to reach $70 billion by the year 2020. AI development will have transformative effects on consumers, business, industry, markets, and governments around the world.

Data computation and analysis using AI, simulated neural-networks, improved machine learning and computer heuristics are all areas that are continuing to be developed over time and will be used more and more in the future.

DeepBrain Chain (DBC) is the first and the only blockchain-based AI computing platform worldwide, with the aim of helping enterprises using or integrating artificial intelligence. Using AI in the way proposed by DeepBrain Chain will help reduce overall computing cost and  protect data privacy when solving problems. Deepbrain Chain will provide a low-cost, private, flexible, secure, and decentralized artificial intelligence (AI) computing platform for artificial intelligence products.

DeepBrain Chain is a data computation and trading platform that uses distributed (unused) computing resources. Doing this reduces the AI computational burden making it cheaper.  The platform protects data and ensures the separation of data ownership against usage rights.   The company believes they can reduce the cost of AI computing by 70% by deploying it on the blockchain. The project already has a working AI platform trained with more than 1,000 semantic skills to better compute and trade data.

The development team is technically strong as evidenced by their recent “Golden Chain” Award at China’s Blockchain Technology Application Summit in Shanghai, in December 2017.  Also in early December DeepBrain Chain was invited to a NEO foundation roadshow in New York, USA and presented its world-first integration of AI and blockchain project to over 200 financial and blockchain experts. 

The company now has a hard cap of $15 million with about $6 million of that obtained from private investors. NEO provided $1 million and they have several other big investors including Microsoft, Siemens, Samsung, and Lenovo.    The partnership with NEO and other large companies is auspicious and shows that the AI and platform are catching the interest of bigger investors who like what they see.

One  external risk to think about is that DeepBrain Chain is a project originating from China using NEO and some may worry about possible future regulatory oversight of DeepBrain Chain tokens as cryptocurrency. The government of China has banned cryptcurrency exchanges while still allowing ICOs.  Similarly Korea is considering a cryptocurrency ban.  I do not think this is a major concern as ongoing global adoption of cryptocurrencies is continuing despite often temporary setbacks. Deepbrain Chain is based on NEO, thus it is not an ERC-20 token but NEO nep 5 token.  DBC tokens are traded on Kucoin, Huobi, and Lbank exchanges.


DeepBrain Chain is a hidden gem that very few North Americans know about.  The DeepBrain Chain project has enormous potential to reduce AI computing costs which will be adopted by just about every international and multinational company seeking to integrate new cost-effective AI technologies. The DBC team is extremely capable and talented with a working AI prototype. Given its unique application of a decentralized AI platform on the blockchain this ICO has all the hallmarks of becoming a huge success. Its partnership with NEO alone is indicative of an enormous future growth potential.  DBC is a strong buy.


DeepBrainChain website:  https://www.deepbrainchain.org/pc/kycEnglish.html

dbc logo2

Disclaimer:   I hold less than 1% of my crypto-portfolio in DBC tokens.


written by crypto_moose1.

E-mail: mtyshenk@gmail.com

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